Shop Mr. Puppy!

About us

At Mr. Puppy, we're devoted to providing you with quality products and fun designs that will compliment your style and personality. Our line features super soft, comfortable shirts so you can feel good and have fun. Our bags let you go in style and are designed to accommodate all your needs. We value you as a customer and appreciate your business. Thanks for shopping Mr. Puppy!


MR. PUPPY ORIGIN STORY  As told by creator Michael David Lee

 “Mr. Puppy was inspired by events in my life. Working as a photojournalist in hot spots across the world, I saw much suffering and sadness. During one of my expeditions, amidst horrific events, I began to doodle a friendly face from my past, Mr Puppy.


When I was a kid my grandmother gave me a toy dog I named Mr. Puppy. We had great adventures and happy times together. Those doodles gave me some relief that day and a smile. They would be the inspiration for the art you see featured on products today.


That happy feeling Mr. Puppy gave me was something I wanted to give and share with others. I believed Mr. Puppy could have an amazing impact on people everywhere. And he does. The emotion in Mr. Puppy's face is genuine and real and triggers a happy feeling in people of all ages.”